


作者: 发布时间:2022-07-11 点击数:










20023-20051月,中国科学院生态环境研究中心 理学博士

19949-19977月,中国农业大学 理学硕士

1988919927月,华东理工大学 理学学士



20189-201810 英国生态与水文研究中心,合作研究;

2011820119 瑞士联邦水科学研究所,合作研究;





1. 抗生素对陆生和水生生态系统的生态效应及层次化综合生态风险评价,国家自然科学基金面上项目.2020.01-2023.12;

2. 保护生态环境的场地土壤风险评估技术体系及基准, 国家重点研发计划计划课题, 2018.12-2022.11;

3. 国家自然科学基金项目溴化阻燃剂复合污染对蚯蚓的毒性效应及机理研究2013-2016年;

4. 地方合作项目环境技术创新能力建设2011-2020年;

5. 中瑞合作项目可持续城市水环境管理2009-2011年;

6. 科技部973项目,课题区域复合污染的生态风险评价、预警与调控策略2007-2011年;

7. 国家自然科学基金项目土壤中典型POPs的暴露水平及其对土壤动物的生态效应2007-2009年;

8. 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目,课题区域环境风险管理与控制策略2007-2010年;

9. 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目,课题典型PTS的生态风险与控制策略2007-2009年;

10. 国家环保总局项目二恶英类副产品检测与减排可行性研究2006-2007)年;

11. 北京市环保局项目北京市重点化工企业土壤污染风险评估及修复对策与建议2006-2007.


1. Qiuyun Xu, Yajuan Shi*, Li Qian, Xuan Zhou, Jinghan Wang, Lingjie Ke, 2022. Tiered ecological risk assessment combined with ecological scenarios for soil in abandoned industrial contaminated sites. Journal of Cleaner Production, 341:130879.

2. Qiuyun Xu, Xiuqing Shao, Yajuan Shi*, Li Qian, Xuan Zhou, Wenyou Qin, Meng Zhang, 2022. Is selenium beneficial or detrimental to earthworm? Growth and metabolism responses of Eisenia Fetida to Na2SeO3 exposure. Science of the Total Environment, 807:150770.

3. Guoxiang Han, Yajuan Shi*, Yonglong Lu, Changfeng Liu, Haotian Cui, Meng Zhang, 2021. Coupling relation between urbanization and ecological risk of PAHs on coastal terrestrial ecosystem around the Bohai and Yellow Sea. Environmental Pollution, 268:115680.

4. Ruoyu Liang, Xiuqing Shao, Yajuan Shi*, Longxin Jiang, Guoxiang Han, 2020.Antioxidant defenses and metabolic responses of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) exposed to various concentrations of erythromycin, Science of the Total Environment, 698, 134221.

5. Yajing Shi, Yajuan Shi*, Lisha Zheng, 2020. Individual and cellular responses of earthworms (Eisenia fetida) to endosulfan at environmentally related concentrations, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 74, 103299.

6. Xiuqing Shao, Jiao He, Ruoyu Liang, Yonglong Lu, Yajuan Shi*, Yu Wang*,Xiaoqi Zheng, Sheng Zhang, Ting Wang, 2019. Mortality, growth and metabolic responses by 1H-NMR-based metabolomics of earthworms to sodium selenite exposure in soils, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 181:69-77.

7. Qinli Xiong, Yajuan Shi*, Yonglong Lu*, Kaiwen Pan, Mohammed A. Dakhilb, Lin Zhang,Yang Xiao2018. Sublethal or not? Responses of multiple biomarkers in Daphnia magna to single and joint effects of BDE-47 and BDE-209, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 164:164-171.

8. Yajuan Shi, Yajing Shi, Xin Wang, Yonglong Lu, Shifa Yan. Comparative effects of lindane and deltamethrin on mortality,growth, and cellulase activity in earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2007, 89: 31-38. (SCI)

9. Shi Yajuan, Meng FanqiaoGuo Feifan, Lu Yonglong, Wang Tieyu, Zhang Hong. Residues of Organic Chlorinated Pesticides in agricultural soils of Beijing, China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2005, 49: 37-44.SCI

10. Shi Yajuan, Lu Yonglong, Zhang Hong, Wang Tieyu, Xing ying. Introduction of Persistent Organic Pollutants control strategy in China. Journal of Environmental Science, 2005, 17(2):310-315. SCI

11. Shi Yajuan, Lu Yonglong and Liang Dan., 2002Application of Anaerobic Fermentation Residues on Safe Food Production, Journal of Environmental Science and HealthA37 (4):725-735. SCI

12. Wang Tieyu, Lu Yonglong, Shi Yajuan, Zhang Hong, etc., Spatial distribution of organochlorine pesticide residues in soil surrounding Guanting Reservoir, China, Bulletin of Environment Contamination and Toxicology 200574:623-630. SCI

13. Zhang HongLu Yonglong, Shi Yajuan, Wang Tieyu, Classification and Ordination of DDT and HCH in soil samples in Guanting Reservoir areas, Chemosphere , 2005, 60 (6):762-769.SCI

14. Xing Ying, Lu Yonglong, Shi Yajuan, Zhang HongWang Tieyu, Ren Hongchang, Liu Wenbin, A Spatial Temporal Assessment of Pollution from PCBs in China, Chemosphere, 2005, 60 (6):731-739.SCI

15. 黄敦奇,史雅娟*,张强斌,吕永龙、胡文友、郭非凡,污染场地土壤中有机氯农药对原生动物的生态影响,生态毒理学报,2012,(4);

16. 郑丽莎,史雅娟*,孟凡乔,张翔,硫丹对蚯蚓存活、生长和肠胃线粒体超微结构的影响,环境科学学报,2009,29(6):1283-1287

17. 史雅娟,吕永龙,王昕,张翔,林丹和呋喃丹对赤子爱胜蚯蚓存活、生长和繁殖能力的影响,生态毒理学报,2009,4(1):101-107

18. 史雅娟,王昕,吕永龙,郭非凡. DDT和三氯杀螨醇对蚯蚓的急性和亚急性毒性影响.环境科学学报, 2006, 265: 851-857

19. 郭非凡,史雅娟,孟凡乔,2006. 典型POPs物质对土壤原生动物的影响,生态学报,261):70-74

20. 史雅娟, 郭非凡, 孟凡乔, 吕永龙, 王铁宇,张红. 果园土壤有机氯农药残留的时间趋势研究.环境科学学报,2005, 25(3): 313-318

21. 郭非凡,史雅娟,孟凡乔.气相色谱法测定土壤中的典型POPs的残留量情况. 环境化学,200524(1): 94-96

22. 史雅娟,吕永龙, 任鸿昌, 梁丹.持久性有机污染物研究的国际动态. 世界科技发展动态,2003, 2: 73-78.
